Organizational and Process Flow Charts

Graphical charts are often used to explain reporting structures in a department or the order in which to take courses for a particular program. While these can be very helpful for sited visitors, they are not accessible to screen readers. In order to ensure that everyone is able to access information, we need to change the way we present information.

Organizational Charts

We will require a text version as the primary means of displaying organizational charts on the website. A PDF depicting a graphical version of the charts may also be included as an option. If a PDF is included, it must contain an accessibility statement unless it contains a text version of the information. The University of North Georgia has a great example of web pages with text versions of each department’s organizational chart, and a link to a PDF with a graphical version.

Process Flow Charts

We will require a text version to be included in PDFs containing process flow charts. The Health Related Programs Department has several examples of PDFs that contain both graphical and text versions of process flow charts to make the content accessible to all.

Accessibility Statement

Some documents might contain elements that aren’t as aesthetically pleasing when converted to an accessible format. In these cases, the following accessibility statement must be added below the heading of the document, directing all inquiries to Human Resources.

If you require assistance accessing this document, please contact [department who created the PDF] at [department email] or (585) [department phone].

Please Note: By adding this statement, you must have an accessible version of the document to provide upon request.


In some cases, the format is dictated by an outside entity. For example, Public Safety’s Annual Safety and Security Report (PDF) was based on guidelines set by the government. The PDF of this report contained tables with merged cells, making them difficult to understand with a screen reader. As an alternative, accessible versions of the tables were added to the website. An accessibility statement was added to the first page of the document and below each table, with links to the web versions. Examples of the text are below:

On the First Page:

In our continuing efforts to ensure that information is accessible to people of all abilities, we have provided more accessible versions of the tables on our website at Links to specific information have also been included under each table.

Below the Brighton Campus Crime Statistics Table:

An accessible version of this table is available online: