Being Social: Guidelines for Social Media Managers

These guidelines are intended to assist you in creating and managing a social media account for your MCC department, group, or organization. Social media can be an effective way to communicate, share information, publicize events, foster community, and connect with your audience. However, it does take time and an ongoing commitment to regular posting. Think through these questions before you open an account.

  • Most important: What are your goals?
  • Do you have the time to manage the account?
  • Is your audience already using this social media site?
  • How easy will it be for you to populate your site with both your own original work and/or shared information from other sites?
  • Is the information you’re sharing appropriate for this site, and for representing MCC?

Discuss your answers with your team before going further.

And read these guidelines. We have an About MCC Social Media page as well as Platform Help, Best Practices and tips for Handling Negative Posts

When you’re ready to make a commitment, follow the steps below and you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful social media manager. By the way, step 2, the application form, is required. 

Steps for Creating a Social Media Account

Are you interested in creating an official MCC social media account? Here’s what you need to do.

    1. Read the MCC Social Media Protocol (PDF) to understand expectations and requirements.
    2. Download the Social Media Account application (PDF) and fill it out to the best of your ability. Please note that you will need signatures from the appropriate chair/dean/director, as well as your divisional vice president. When these have been obtained, submit the form to the Marketing and Web Department ( or Spina Administration Building, Room 313, Brighton Campus).
    3. Once approved, create your account. Review the MCC Brand Toolkit, where you will find downloadable logos and rules for using them, the tagline, and other elements of the MCC brand. If you have any questions on the use of the branding elements, contact the Marketing and Web Department graphics and design specialist at 585-292-3012 or email Phil Osterling (
    4. Launch and make adjustments as needed (for example, if images are receiving most of the comments, you might increase your posts featuring images). Be sure to promote your new site through whatever other channels (email, announcements at meetings, etc.) you use to communicate with your audiences.

Thanks to our Educational Colleagues. The Monroe Community College Social Media Guidelines draw on the work of several universities, including the University of Florida, Vanderbilt University, Cornell College, and the University of Southern Indiana. Their social media resources informed and helped us to shape our own guidelines, and we are grateful for their work. We would also like to acknowledge the SUNY Office of the Chancellor for their Recommendations for Social Media Responsibility.