Java Applet Links
- CalcPlot3D Java Applet – the Java version of CalcPlot3D, a visual exploration tool for multivariable calculus. It still contains some features not yet implemented in the JavaScript version. For example, this version can be used to create StL files to print surfaces to a 3D Printer. Regions can be shown in both rectangular and polar coordinates with rectangular/polar prisms, respectively.
- Calculus Grapher Applet – a graphing applet that provides various features for exploring single variable calculus concepts and creating graphs of functions, whether they are continuous, discontinuous, piecewise, parametric, or polar.
- Solid of a Common Cross-section Applet – an applet for visualizing the interesting solids formed using common cross-sections of triangles, squares, etc. The bounding curves can be set to any functions of x or y.
- Disk Method Applet (Hughes-Hallett Figure 8.20) – a disk method applet with instructions.
- Washer Method Applet – an applet for visualizing the Washer Method of finding the volume of a solid of revolution. This one does not allow the bounding curves to be changed.
- Shell Method Applet – an applet for visualizing the Shell Method of finding the volume of a solid of revolution. It does not allow the bounding curves to be changed.
- Derivative Grapher – a Calculus 1 applet that allows students to earn a score by determining the critical points and inflection points of the given function graph and using these points to create the graph of the function’s derivative.
- Riemann Sum Applet – a single-variable calculus applet for visually exploring various Riemann sums, including the left-hand sum, the right-hand sum, the midpoint sum, trapezoid rule, and Simpson’s rule, along with a couple additional options to see whether letting the number of rectangles go to infinity is enough to converge on the actual area under the curve.
- Antiderivative Graphing Applet – a single-variable calculus applet for sketching the antiderivative graph from a piecewise linear derivative graph and an initial value (fixed point).
- Slope Field Applet – the Java version of my Direction Field Exploration JavaScript app. It allows the user to visually verify the general solution of a 1st-order differential equation by varying the value of the parameter C and checking that the resulting solution curve passes nicely through the differential equation’s slope field.
- Larson Applet Collection – this page contains a set of 6 Java applets I created to illustrate specific examples in Larson Calculus.
- Anton Calculus Applet Collection – this external page contains unsigned applets for Anton Calculus. They will be more difficult to get to run than the other applets on this page, but can still be used with enough effort.
- Hughes-Hallett Calculus Applet Collection – this external page contains unsigned applets for Hughes-Hallett Calculus. They will be more difficult to get to run than the other applets on this page, but can still be used with enough effort.