This is a very tentative timeline of the migration process based on information as of 12/12/22. Please check back often. As we work through the process with our D2L implementation team, this is subject to change.
January-March 2022
- Internal planning configuration and discovery period with D2L
- Virtual Campus Team involved in SUNY sub-committee workgroups related to campus implementation, training, templates, and technical implementation
- Faculty exploration in the Sunyplay Brightspace Sandbox (create your own account)
March 2022
- Internal planning with D2L continues
- Training for System Admin (March 17)
- Training for Instructional Designers (expected week of March 21-31)
- Our full production environment expected to be available for admin access (March 25)
- Training for pilot faculty (begins the week of March 28)
- Conversions of courses begins for pilot courses (late March/early April)
April 2022
- Ongoing Training Opportunities available through SUNY CPD
- Access to pilot faculty in the production environment (April 15)
- Access to SUNY asynchronous training modules for pilot faculty (April 15)
May-June 2022
- Access to for all faculty in the production environment (May 26th)
- Access to summer and fall course shells (May 26th)
- Production site available for Cohort 1 students (expected one week prior to soft launch)
- Asynchronous training for summer pilot students (now available)
- Soft launch (May 17) for first summer course (complete)
- Preview day (May 30) for Summer Session I and III pilot courses in Brightspace (start date of June 6th)
- Continuation of training and support for faculty (ongoing)
- Course conversion and development continues for fall courses (ongoing)
July-August 2022
- Preview day (July 4) for Summer Session II pilot courses in Brightspace (start date of July 11th)
- Continuation of training and support for faculty (ongoing)
- Asynchronous training for fall students (available now)
- Access for staff to Brightspace (completed August 31st)
August 2022
- Preview day (Aug 22) for all Fall courses in Brightspace (start date of August 29th)
- Supplemental training available (TBD)
August-December 2022
- Blackboard will still be accessible to retrieve course content and export courses as needed through the fall semester
- Conversion of Blackboard Orgs/Trainings, all Blackboard Orgs/Trainings will remain in Blackboard for the Fall 2022 semester (October-December)
- Blackboard contract expires on December 21, 2022 at 5pm (access expires and materials need to be retrieved prior to this date)