This site will provide communication about the upcoming migration to a new digital learning environment (DLE) specific to MCC. SUNY maintains a website with up-to-date information on the transition. Visit their website at SUNY Digital Learning Environment.
SUNY’s Statement
At the conclusion of a broad and consultative Request for Proposal process, SUNY selected Desire2Learn’s (D2L) Brightspace Learning Management System to serve as the hub of its Digital Learning Environment. The contract between SUNY and D2L has been approved by the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the Office of the New York State Comptroller. The contract with D2L was finalized on 09/24/21.
With the transition to D2L’s Brightspace, SUNY envisions a dynamic opportunity to unify the digital learning environment within which all SUNY campuses operate: a common LMS application; a central architecture with common data structures; common templates; a common set of online tools integrated with the LMS (right now there is much redundancy across the System); and a common integration for data. This allows SUNY to take advantage of economies of scale, better share best practices and resources across campuses and between SUNY System Administration resources and campuses, assure strong technical support, and provide a familiar platform for students, faculty and staff moving across campuses.
Brightspace Launch
MCC was selected as “Cohort 1” for migration, along with 29 other SUNY campuses. MCC piloted Brightspace in the Summer 2022 semester and transitioned fully to Brightspace in the Fall 2022 semester for all academic courses, including all SUNY Online Degrees at Scale courses. Blackboard was successfully deactivated on December 21, 2022 at 5pm.
MCC uses Brightspace for all academic courses and each course section has a course shell. The majority of Blackboard organizations (such as faculty spaces, student organization spaces) have transition to Teams, including the Course Information Sheet Repository. Compliance training remains in Brightspace (for example HR, EHS, RAPID, SPARC, etc.)
Brightspace Access
All MCC employees and students have Brightspace accounts and can be accessed by going to the new myMCC Portal. From the portal, click on the Brightspace tile. Alternatively, you can access Brightspace directly and requires login and multifactor authentication. Contact the help desk at 292-TECH for any account related issues.
Terry Keys (AVP, Instructional Services) is our campus executive sponsor and lead, Andrea Gilbert (Virtual Campus) is the academic lead, and Jamie Hoover (Virtual Campus) is the technical lead.
If you have any questions or concerns related to the migration at MCC, please email us directly or leave an anonymous comment on our LMS Questions and Concerns Form.
Please check back here in the future for more information.