Financial Resources

MCC Assist

MCC Assist is a program designed to help students stay in college when facing an unforeseen emergency. Students can apply for financial assistance up to $500.

Email Financial Aid (, call 585-292-2050 or set up an appointment with a financial aid counselor through Starfish.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Find Financial Aid & Scholarships online with one easy application. In addition, hundreds of scholarships are available, totaling more than $1 million!

Need assistance? Email Financial Aid ( or set up an appointment with a financial aid counselor through Starfish.

Financial Counseling

Free Financial Counseling is available. As an MCC student, you can meet with a nationally certified financial counselor right on campus or over the phone! The financial counselor can assist you with the following:

  • Paying down debt;
  • Increasing savings; and/or
  • Building your credit

Email the Rochester Financial Empowerment Center ( or call 585-252-7110 to schedule a meeting.

Unsure of What to Do?

Even if you do not qualify for financial aid, the Financial Aid Office is still an excellent resource for assisting with financial needs.

Email Financial Aid (, call 585-292-2050, or set up an appointment with a financial aid counselor through Starfish.