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MCC News

Supporting Our Community During Times of Crisis

October 11, 2023

Monroe Community College extends our deepest sympathies to victims, their loved ones and citizens affected by the terrorist attacks and ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza. We recognize that members of our diverse community may have family and friends—here in Rochester and abroad—for whom the current situation creates a great deal of stress, fear, and anxiety. Rest assured that you are not alone.

We stand “together as one” with you and offer whatever support we can to help you during these times of tragedy.

MCC’s Counseling Center, Disability Services & Health Services staff at the Brighton and Downtown campuses are ready to respond to students in need; visit online to access services or make an appointment. International students can also contact the Global Education and International Services department; go online for a list of available services and resources. If additional support is warranted, or if you experience discrimination or harassment, please contact the Office of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability at (585) 292-2122.

Faculty and staff who need support are encouraged to take advantage of the resources available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). You can also avail yourself of the various crisis services offered by Monroe County.

The expectation of all MCC members is to treat others with respect and foster a community in which words and actions of bigotry, oppression and hatred are not tolerated.

We are one MCC, and together, we can create the change we want to see in the world. Unique opportunities through the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Project student organization and the Deliberative Dialogue series led by The Democracy Commitment at MCC bring people together to engage in discussions on how each of us can change the world.

Let us continue creating a campus community that supports and represents a multiplicity of identities. Let us make every effort to check on and console our colleagues and students so that they do not suffer in silence.

— President DeAnna R. Burt-Nanna, Ph.D., and Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Belonging Calvin J. Gantt, Ed.D.

Media Contact
Hency Yuen-Eng