4. Professional Development Committee
4.0 Introduction
It shall be the responsibility of the committee to promote vitality and continued growth through the development and coordination of programs related to the improvement of teaching and learning, and of general interest to the faculty and professional staff. It shall assist the Professional Development Office in implementing various professional development activities. It shall be responsible for recommending Leaves for Professional Advancement and other major recognition awards as may be defined in Senate resolutions.
4.1 Professional Development (1996)
4.1.1 Introduction
Maintenance of vitality is important to the faculty, professional staff and the college. Professional development is primarily the responsibility of the faculty and professional staff. Professional development is a means to secure the capacity to grow, develop and learn. Professional development includes professional leaves, tuition reimbursement, conferences, retraining, in-service training, academic exchanges, and other activities leading to improved performance in teaching, support and administration. Professional development should support faculty and professional staff in their effort to be current and enthusiastic.
4.1.2 Commitment
The need for ongoing professional development is recognized by the administration and faculty of the College. The College should demonstrate its commitment, encouragement and support of an active professional development program.
4.1.3 Goals
The goals of the professional development program should be related to the mission and goals of the college and should, in addition, reflect any current professional development concerns of the faculty not addressed by the mission and goals. As the College’s goals change, the goals of professional development should be reviewed and changes made as appropriate.
4.1.4 Purpose
The professional development program shall offer the opportunity for faculty to exchange information and thereby profit from each other’s knowledge, as well as, from those outside the College community; to address interests and needs particular to different segments of a diverse faculty; to address interests faculty have in common as learners, teachers, and providers of services to students; to build a sense of community which contributes significantly to an effective work environment; and to facilitate individualized professional and personal growth plans.
4.2 Wesley T. Hanson Award for Teaching Excellence/Award for Excellence in Professional Service (2007)
4.2.1 Purpose
The Wesley T. Hanson Distinguished Professor Awards are awarded by the faculty to recognize outstanding faculty members. One award for Teaching Excellence and one award for Excellence Professional Service may be granted.
4.2.2 Procedure
- The Professional Development Committee shall call for nominations for the awards from the College community no later than March This shall include the distribution to the College community of a description of the awards, award criteria, deadlines and a nominating form.
- The names of the recipients shall remain confidential until the Faculty Executive Committee and the President have been The recipients and the college community shall then be notified by the Committee.
4.3 Chancellor’s Awards (SUNY) (2007)
4.3.1 Purpose
The purpose of this award is to recognize extraordinary professional achievement and excellence in these categories; teaching, professional services, and librarianship.
4.3.2 Policy
The Professional Development Committee adheres to the award guidelines set forth by State University of New York regarding criteria, eligibility, number of awards, nominating process, required documentation, format, and deadline dates.
4.3.3 Procedure
The Committee shall establish procedures and deadline dates consistent with the guidelines set forth by SUNY. Typically, nominating procedures will commence during the fall semester.
4.3.4 Recommendations
A subcommittee consisting of previous Chancellor’s Award recipients shall be appointed to make recommendations to the President. This subcommittee shall be co-chaired by the Chair of the Professional Development Committee and the liaison from the President’s Office.
4.4 Leaves for Professional Advancement for the Benefit of the College (2007) (2023)
4.4.1 Policy
A restricted number of leaves for professional advancement may be made available to members of the faculty who meet the requirements set forth. The objective of such leave is to increase each person’s value to the College in relation to the annual college goals and thereby improve and enrich its program. Such leave shall not be regarded as a reward for service nor as a vacation or rest period occurring automatically at stated intervals.
4.4.2 Purpose
Leaves for professional advancement shall be granted for study, formal education, research, writing, or other experiences of professional value.
4.4.3 Eligibility/Criteria for Assessing
Members of the faculty who have completed at least six years of service within the College, or who, if they previously have had a leave for professional advancement, or sabbatical leave and have completed at least six years of service within the College from the date of return from their last leave shall be eligible for leave for professional advancement.
4.4.4 Procedure
- The Professional Development Committee shall call for applications usually by February 1, but in no event later than March 1 of each year. This announcement will include the purpose, criteria, eligibility requirements and deadline dates.
- Applications shall be submitted to the appropriate vice president, division dean, department chair or direct supervisor, and chairperson of the Faculty Senate Professional Development Committee.
- Applications shall include a full description of the nature and purpose of the leave, including a description of research or assessment methods, pedagogy, or artistic or creative expression used or explored in the leave and how it benefits the College and its stated goals. Applications shall include a statement outlining the program to be followed while on leave; a description of current progress; a timeline to completion; a minimum of one letter of support; any prospective supplementary income; a statement that the applicant intends to continue to return for at least one year of service upon return from the leave; and agreement that the applicant will submit a comprehensive report to the President within three months from the date of return and deliver a brief oral summary of their work to the Faculty Senate.
- If applicable, applications shall address how their application benefits diversity, equity, and inclusion at the College for students and/or employees.
- The Professional Development Committee will review the applications based upon predefined award criteria established by the Committee. The Committee will schedule interviews with applicants and shall have the prerogative to request additional information or clarification of the applicants. Applicants who are not eligible based on section 4.4.3 of the Professional Development Committee resolutions will not be interviewed.
- Following a review of each application and interview with each applicant, the Professional Development Committee will recommend the applicants with proposals worthy of receiving a leave. Not all applicants need to be listed. When an applicant is not listed, it is the Committee’s responsibility to inform the applicant. The Committee shall provide feedback that explains why the applicant was not listed and include suggestions and next steps for preparing the application for resubmission at a later date.
- Applicant list shall then be submitted to the Faculty Senate President and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee before being presented to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. Feedback explaining the list, including the prospective benefits of each listed application, shall be provided by the Professional Development Committee to the aforementioned individuals.
- The Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs recommends to the President the number of faculty or professional staff who should be granted Leave for Professional Advancement for the Benefit of the College. Listed applicants not recommended to the President will be notified by the Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
- The final recommendations to the Board of Trustees will be made by the President, in consideration of the above recommendations and financial position of the College.