Articles I thru IV
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Senate.
Article II. Purpose
Section 1. The Faculty Senate shall be the representative governing body of the Faculty. It shall develop and recommend policies and guidelines in all areas of Faculty responsibility.
Section 2. The Faculty Senate shall, through its President, inform the President of the College of its recommendations.
Section 3. The Faculty Senate shall be the voice of the Faculty to the President of the College, to other administrative officers as appropriate, and to other faculties and groups.
Article III. Goals
Section 1. The goals of the Faculty Senate shall be:
- To provide a mechanism for Faculty to fulfill its obligation to participate significantly in the initiation, development, implementation, and evaluation of the educational program.
- To provide a forum for communication and a mechanism for consultation between the President of the College and the Faculty.
- To provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas of mutual interest and concern among members of the Faculty.
- To provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas of mutual interest and concern to the Community College.
- To study problems and policies of the College and the State University as a whole.
- To take appropriate action to maintain an atmosphere of academic freedom, intellectual integrity, and cooperation in the pursuit of learning.
- To participate in the processes of goal setting and planning of the College.
Article IV. Membership
Section 1. Senators
Senators are the voting members of the Faculty Senate, and shall be eligible full- or part-time teaching and non- teaching faculty members elected from the Voting Faculty as defined in Article IV, Section 2.
Section 2. Voting Faculty
The Voting Faculty shall include the following: full- and part-time teaching faculty with academic rank (excluding adjunct faculty); and full- and part-time non-teaching faculty in the following categories: advisors, assistant directors, associate directors, coaches, clinical supervisors, coordinators, counselors, directors (except those not covered by the Faculty Association contract), lecturers, librarians, managers, specialists, and technical assistants. Part-time status is defined in the Faculty Association contract as currently amended. Grant-funded personnel with the above-listed job titles or who hold academic rank are also included as voting faculty.
Section 3. Verification of Voting Status
It shall be the responsibility of the Nominations, Elections, and Governance (NEG) Committee to verify voting status based upon the criteria specified in Sections 1 and 2.