Article IX. Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee

  1. Membership
    1. Membership of this Committee shall consist of the officers of the Faculty Senate and the Chairpersons of all standing committees.
  2. Duties
    The duties of this Committee shall be:
    1. To receive reports from all standing committees;
    2. To apportion the business of the Faculty Senate to the appropriate standing or ad hoc Committees;
    3. To appoint Senators to standing committees of the Faculty Senate;
    4. To appoint and charge ad hoc Committees from the Faculty as needed;
    5. To carry on Faculty Senate business between regular meetings of the full Faculty Senate;
    6. To call special meetings of the Faculty Senate;
    7. To meet at least twice per month between September and June, and once a month during July and August.
    8. To periodically review its structure, function, and composition, and to make recommendations for changes to the Faculty Senate.
    9. To review and approve procedural changes to the faculty senate resolutions as presented by the appropriate standing committee.

Section 2. Standing Committees

Committees shall submit to the Faculty Senate all recommendations made by the Committees, both standing and ad hoc.

Committees shall receive requests from and make reports only through the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.

Committees shall keep records of their proceedings, operations, and attendance. Annual reports shall be submitted in writing to the President of the Faculty Senate no later than the end of the spring semester. Upon request of the Faculty Senate or the Executive Committee, committees shall conduct special investigations in the areas which are properly within their jurisdiction.

Each Committee shall periodically review its structure, function, and composition, and shall make recommendations for changes to the Faculty Senate. Regular reports shall be made to the Executive Committee.

Committees shall be composed of representatives in accordance with Article IX, Section 2.A thru F; however, the Executive Committee may appoint non-senators to Committees, but no more than one per Committee, and only when confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.

  1. Academic Policies
    1. Membership
      The Committee shall be composed of at least five Senators, but the simple majority thereof will be teaching faculty, and the remainder of the committee will be professional staff depending on their availability to serve, and will include at least one student representative, in so far as possible. A Non-voting ex-officio member of the committee is the Provost and Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, or their designee from both Academic and Student Affairs divisions.
    2. Duties
      It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to review all policies pertaining to the academic standards and educational policies of the College and to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate. This shall include, but not be limited to, policies related to advising, admission, registration, scheduling, grading, probation, suspension, student withdrawal from classes, student academic grievance procedures, the academic calendar, and the student evaluation of faculty questionnaire.
  2. Curriculum
    1. Membership
      Membership of this Committee shall be four to seven Senators, at least four of whom must be teaching faculty, and one Student The non-voting members of this Committee shall be the Vice President of Academic Services, or their designee, and a second Student Representative.
    2. Duties
      It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to review all proposals for changes in the curricular offerings of the College, including new curricula and courses and major revisions or deletions of existing curricula, and courses, and to recommend appropriate action to the Faculty Senate. It shall review the College’s general education requirements and recommend any changes. It shall review the philosophy of the academic programs, and it may consider changes in courses and programs in all Divisions of the College. It may review all programs for the purpose of evaluation.
  3. Planning
    1. Membership
      Membership of this Committee shall be at least five Senators, One Student Representative (when available), and the Chief Administration Officer, or their designee, with non-voting status.
    2. Duties
      It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to participate with the College in all aspects of long-range strategic planning including cultural changes, building programs, budgets, accreditation and other matters relating to a master plan. As part of the planning process, this Committee shall review and develop proposals for submission to the President of the College through the Faculty It shall review and recommend to the Faculty Senate a statement of philosophy, goals and priorities of the College. It shall continually assess these areas to see how well the College is meeting its mission and commitment to the community.
  4. Professional Development
    1. Membership
      Membership of this Committee shall be at least five senators and the Executive Director of Human Resources, or their designee, with non-voting status.
    2. Duties
      It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to promote Faculty vitality and continued growth through the development and coordination of programs related to the improvement of teaching and learning, and of general interest to the Faculty. The Committee shall work closely with the College’s Professional Development Officer, or their designee, in this endeavor. This Committee shall seek applications for Leaves for Professional Advancement and after careful review make recommendations to the College President concerning these leaves. The Committee shall act as the steering committee for all Faculty awards.
  5. Special Committee on Administrative Affairs
    1. Membership
      Membership of this Committee shall be senators who are tenured faculty or non-probationary professional staff. In so far as possible, the committee should be comprised of a balanced distribution of both professional staff and teaching faculty senators.
    2. Duties
      It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to make recommendations to the appropriate administrative officers regarding the selection and/or appointment of the following administrative officers, specifically: President, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Executive Deans, Deans, Executive Directors, and Directors; and for conducting elections of Department Chairpersons. The Committee shall be informed with five weeks advance notice of the creation or redefinition of administrative offices and departments, and of vacancies, and shall respond expeditiously to the appropriate Vice President. 
      Additional charges to the Committee may be made by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate or by the President of the College. The President of the College shall make charges through the Faculty Senate. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall review any final written recommendation to be submitted to administrative officers by the Special Committee.
  6. Nominations, Elections & Governance
    1. Membership
      Membership of this Committee shall be at least five Senators.
    2. Duties
      It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to prepare a slate of candidates for the following positions in the Faculty Senate: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Senators. This Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and adjusting the distribution of representatives among departments or units, and the determination of eligibility for voting membership in accordance with Article IV, Section 1. This Committee shall make recommendations to fill vacancies as they occur on Committees and in the Faculty Senate. It will supervise all elections and examine all procedures to make sure they are in keeping with the Faculty Senate Bylaws. It will review the bylaws at least once every three years and make recommendations for changes to the President of the Senate. This Committee shall also be charged with insuring that principles of democratic governance are being followed in all constituent areas of the governance system. The Nominations, Elections & Governance Committee will oversee update of the Resolutions of the Faculty Senate to reflect all policy changes.