2009-2010 Exhibitions

Abraham Ferraro
Art Machine
September 11th – October 9th, 2009
Opening Reception and Performance: Friday, September 11th, 7-9 pm
Workshop: Friday, October 9th at noon

Comics and SPX Exhibition
Featuring: Greg Lendeck, Christian Tribastone, and Tom Galombos
October 14th – October 27th, 2009
Gallery Talk: Monday, October 19th at 6 pm

Artist in Unlikely Places
October 30th – November 13th, 2009

Jim Mott
Road Art 2000-2009: A Selection of the Best Paintings From 10 Years of Itinerant Artist Project
November 20th – December 18th, 2009
Opening Reception: Friday, November 20th, 7-9 pm
Gallery Talk: Thursday, December 3rd at 6 pm

Jennifer Hecker
Dolls and Dresses
January 29th – February 26th, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday, January 29th, 7-9 pm
Lecture: Wednesday, February 10th at noon

Jacqueline Welch
Patron Saints
March 5th – April 2nd, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday, March 5th, 7-9 pm
Gallery Talk: Friday, March 5th at noon

Antonio Patracca
From Here to There
April 9th – May 7th, 2010
Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 14th at 6 pm
Workshop and Talk: Friday, April 16th at 11 am

34th Annual Student Art Exhibition
May 14th – September 10th, 2010
Opening Reception: Friday, May 14th at 6-8 pm
Backyard Barbecue, Awards, and Dinner at 6 pm
Music by the MCC Jazz Ensemble directed by John Nyerges

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