2006-2007 Exhibitions
Monroe Community College Visual and Performing Arts Department Visual Art Faculty Exhibition
Babiarz, Benjamin, Blumendale, Brien, Burger, Buscemi, Cole, Coogan, Crum, Demott Downer, Evanitsky, Farrell, Ferrari-Rowley, Flack, Galambos, Gordon, Jackson, Lendeck, Mangione, Monacelli, Moncibaiz, Parsons, Michael Ross, Margaret Ross, Sardisco, Smith, Taddonio, Tennant, Weldgen, Watts, Whiteside
September 15th – October 20th, 2006
Opening Reception September 15th, 7–9 pm
Robert Heischman and Alan Singer
October 27th – November 24th, 2006
Opening Reception October 27th, 7–9 pm
Gallery Talk November 2nd at 7 pm
Happy Birthday Mercer Gallery
Almost Legal at 20 Celebration
A 20th Anniversary Birthday Celebration for the Mercer Gallery, November 17th, 7–9 pm
Drawing Installation
Bring A Drawing – Take A Drawing
This exhibition will be based on statistical and geographic parameters of various sorts depicting the placement and inclusion of each drawing.
This exhibition is open to all and varied artists, philosophers, mathematicians, wanders, travelers, settlers, magicians, madmen, and poets.
December 1st – December 22nd, 2006
Opening Reception December 1st, 7–9 pm, An Internal Combustion Event
Greg Stewart
January 26th – February 23rd, 2007
Opening Reception January 26th, 7–9 pm
Gallery Talk Friday, January 26th, 12:00 noon
Kelly Roe
Mapping Linguistics
March 2nd – March 30th, 2007
Opening Reception March 2nd, 7–9 pm
Gallery Talk Friday, March 2nd, 12:00 noon
Drawing From/For The Everyday: Experimental Practices Of Drawing
April 6th – April 27th, 2007
Opening Reception: April 20th, 7–9 pm
Workshops, April 17th – 20th, 2007
31st Annual Student Art Exhibition
May 11th – September 7th, 2007
Opening Reception May 11th, 6–8 pm
Awards at 6:00 pm. Dinner at 6:30 pm