2024-05-07 SGA Senate Meeting Minutes

May 7, 2024
2:15 pm, Forum 3-130, Downtown Campus Room 200B, Zoom

In Attendance

Student Senators

  • Senator Mohamed Souhail
  • Senator Ashley Wrobeh
  • Senator Loritea Ellis
  • Senator Liam Krieger
  • Senator Tehya Deisenroth
  • Senator Ky’Johnna Jamison

Election Coordinator

  • Naz Barmak


  • Joseph Leichtner

Vice President of Governance

  • Angelo Romero

Vice President of Downtown

  • Mandie McGinnis


  • Zeynep Guney

Chief of Staff

  • Ivy Zin

Secretary of Governance

  • Alicia Crimmins

Student Trustee

  • Ana Santos

Office of Student Life

  • Advisor: Jodi Oriel
  • Faculty Advisor: Mark Sample


  • Ginny Geer-Mentry – MCC Association
  • Dana Williams – MCC Student
  • Ryan Messenger – Academic & Student Affairs
  • Joseph Scanlon – Faculty
  • Eric Wheeler – Veteran Services
  • MIchael Rhonda – Math Department
  • Susan Pearlberg – VAPA
  • Tom Adams- MCC Student
  • Shawn Sanchez – Veterans Club
  • Bryan Sebunya – MCC Student
  • Becky Babcock – Faculty Senate


Call to Order (2:15 pm)

  1. Roll Call (see attendance above)
    Vice President of Governance Romero called for a roll call to start the senate meeting.
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion to approve the April .30, 2024 Student Government Association minutes.
    2. Senator Krieger so moved, seconded by Senator Deisenroth
    3. A vote was taken.
    4. Be it resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approves the April 30, 2024 minutes as written.

Speak to the Senate

  1. Joseph Scanlon – MCC Champion

  2. Eric Wheeler – MCC Champion
  3. Michael Rhonda – MCC Champion
  4. Susan Pearlberg – MCC Champion


  1. President Leichtner

    On Tuesday, April 30th, President Lechtner showcased his research on private prisons at Monroe Community College’s 16th annual Scholar’s Day. His presentation earned him second place in the Human Rights category. On Thursday, May 2nd, a strong contingent of the Student Government Association, including President Lechtner, Vice President Romero, Vice President of Downtown McGinnis, Treasurer Guney, Clubs/Organizations Senator Deisenroth, Athletic Senator Souhail, and Secretary of Governance Crimmins, attended the Women of Excellence meeting. This collective effort was recognized at this event, with Student Trustee Santos and Chief of Staff Zin receiving well-deserved certificates and scholarships. This is a testament to the collaborative efforts and achievements of our team members beyond their roles within the Student Government Association. These events, which we are proud to be apart of, underscore the unwavering commitment of the Student Government Association to academic excellence, community engagement, and the recognition of outstanding achievements within and beyond our organization.

  2. Vice President Romero

    On Monday, April 29th, Vice President of Governance Romero will attend the Meet the Candidates event, where he will campaign for the position he was running for alongside the other candidates. He wants to say Election Coordinator Naz Barmak has been doing a fantastic job this year. On Tuesday, April 30th, he gave his Scholar’s Day presentation about the Myanmar Civil War, its causes, and the impact it has had. The other SGA members participating in Scholar’s Day were President Lechtner, Student Trustee Santos, and Elections Coordinator Barmak. The next day, on May 1st, they all attended the Scholar’s Day reception. He would be awarded for his presentation on Myanmar, and he was shocked to have received it. He would love to thank his dear friend Ivy Zin for all her help and inspiration for the presentation. She is fantastic, and he is happy to have such an amazing friend like Ivy. He would also like to thank Professor Scanlon for all the help in preparing. He was glad he was able to spread awareness of the issues occurring in Myanmar, and it meant a lot to him. He hopes to continue to do so in the future. He will attend the Keynote Speaker event at David Wallace-Wells on the same day. He would give a fantastic speech and talk about how Climate Change is such an important issue. He would also get his book signed. On Thursday, May 2nd, Vice President of Governance Romero attended the Yom HaShoah event, and he would say the names of the victims of the Holocaust. He would also participate in the opening ceremony, which was beautiful. This same day, he would attend the last Women of Excellence meeting to celebrate all participating members. He attended with the Vice President of Downtown McGinnis, Secretary of Governance Crimmins, Athletic Senator Souhail, Treasurer Guney, President Lechtner, and Club & Orgs Senator Deisenroth. They had a fun activity and game. President Lechtner would cheat in one of the games. Congratulations to those who will receive the certificate, including Chief of Staff Ivy Zin and Student Trustee Ana Santos.

  3. Vice President of Downtown McGinnis

    Good afternoon, On Monday April 29th meeting with Office of Student Life and Leadership Development graduate assistant Mary Geisert, the officers, and advisor of the Disability Awareness Club for their Spread the Word: Inclusion event recap. Both events were an enormous success and displayed MCC inclusive community. Vice President McGinnis would like to deeply thank the Disability Awareness Club for your dedication to student life, you are a shining example of what leadership is. It has been a great honor serving and supporting the club’s purpose. You provided opportunities on both the Downtown and Brighton campuses for the MCC community to learn, grow, include all with a warm hug of a sense of belonging while most importantly having FUN! Thank you for being a part of my MCC story. Later that morning Vice President McGinnis attended the Meet the Candidate event hosted by the SGA (Student Government Association), where candidate began campaigning, meeting with voters, and sharing their platforms. Your candidates running are for Student Trustee, SGA’s President Joseph Lechtner, “Your Vision Our Futue,” and Global Union’s President Judi R., “Diverse Mind, One Voice for All.” On the ballot for SGA President is SGA’s Vice President of Governance Angelo Romero, with the belief “Together as One,” we have Secretary of Governance Alicia Crimmins, “pledging to lead, succeed, and exceed the demands of our student body,” if elected MCC’s new Vice President of Governance for the SGA. “I’m here to be the Change & make it happen,” a sample of the abundant platform of Virtual Senator Loritea Ellis campaign for Vice President of Downtown. Voting is open now until May 9th. To vote visit your MyMCC page, there is a “SGA Elections” title, clicking it will bring you to your ballot to vote. Good luck candidates! Vice President McGinnis wishes the incoming administration continued success, align your goals and shine bright to spark others light. Remember we are the advocates for change, and your actions lead to the impact that brings us together as one with diverse minds for our future and the seven generations to come. Following the candidate forum Vice President McGinnis travel Downtown for class having Virtual Senator Ellis as co-piolet we shared, connected, and reflected during the ride. Tuesday April 30th arriving to the Brighton campus before 8am to support Scholar’s Day set up. Posting easels with the presentation schedules and directional arrows leading guests to the poster presentations area. Scholar’s Day reflects the scholarly and creative work of MCC students and faculty. Providing the opportunity for scholars to win over $30,000 in scholarships. This year Scholar’s Day celebrated its year, our very own advisor Jodi Oriel one of the founders of this impactful event. Thank you. Vice President McGinnis experienced an incredible display of talent throughout the day, you all have inspired me to push myself out of my comfort zone and while at Nazareth Vice President McGinnis has set a goal to present at their event like Scholar’s Day, CARS, (Creative Activity and Research Showcase). Excellent job to all participants. Later that afternoon Vice President McGinnis attended a TRIO workshop on final exam preparation and study skills. Start early and know what you do not know are key takeaways that can support exam preparedness. TRIO Student Support Services encourages students to reach out if you need support, visit the Learning Commons or TACC, meet with your advisors or professors, if you are feeling overwhelmed support is available. Unsure where to go, stop by the SGA office, we are here to support you. We will finish strong together! May 1st was another day full of celebration and preparation starting with my office hours Downtown arriving shortly after 8 am delivering Virtual Senator Ellis’ campaign posters and using the time to decorate and post about the SGA elections. Hanging candidates’ posters surrounded by festive red, white, and blue displays of stars and streamers with election date information. Updating the postings with “how to vote” pictured instruction flyers on May 6th. Following office hours Vice President McGinnis attend class before heading to the Brighton campus for the Scholar’s Day Celebration of Learning providing support to presenting scholars volunteering during set-up and throughout the event wherever needed. Another showcase of the incredible talent of all MCC students. After Vice President McGinnis stationed herself over at Monroe A/B to support with the Scholar’s Day scholarship award reception where visiting scholar David-Wallace-Wells gave a short tease of his impactful work with opening the award reception. Vice President McGinnis is overjoyed to share the news that SGA has the honor of have multiple scholarship winners for their Scholar’s Day presentations. Congratulations to Trustee Ana Santos, Vice President Romero, Chief of Staff Zin, and all the incredible scholars. Ending the evening having the honor of supporting at the ESL Presents Visiting Scholar David Wallace-Wells at the MCC Theater, welcoming and ushering guest to their seats before sitting with fellow scholars to be in awe with Mr. Wallace-Wells keynote speech. “He is indeed an alarmist,” wakening will not happen if someone does not toll the bell. Wells’ lyrical bell The Uninhabitable Earth, Life After Warming, as he signed my book “Hopefully…” will help you understand the climate crisis and what catastrophes can happen with our warming planet. Thursday, May 2nd, joining HGHRP 34th Annual Yom HaShoah commencement event. This year the event was holding on to hope and focusing on resistance in the face of hate. In the morning, Vice President McGinnis attended the opening ceremony in the Atrium at 9:30 am, followed by the Calling of the Names and lighting a candle. Student Dana Williams accompanied Vice President McGinnis at the event. Thank you, Dana, for your support before, during, and after the event. Later that morning Vice President McGinnis and Treasurer Guney filmed interviews for TRIO to provide incoming TRIO students a student perspective, answering questions to help guide the new students along their journey with ways we navigate our path with the support of TRIO Student Support Services. Ending the day as a guest at the last Women of Excellence meeting to celebrate the excellence of these women. The Forum was filled with members, advisors, and guests. We ate delicious food, laughed during the games as our bonds of followship strength through mingle, mingle, mingle, ball relay (Go team Lechtner!), and head, shoulders, knees, CUP! Followed by the presentation of awards and scholarships, another highlight of MCC’s mission for student success. Oh, did I mention the cake was incredible! Thank you, Women of Excellence, for the honor of being a guest to celebrate your excellence. Ending the week on Friday, May 3rd with an SGA Election Committee meeting in preparation for voting to begin and to finalize the plans of the Election Party which will be held after the last Public Senate meeting on May 14th from 4 –5 pm right here in the Forum. Please join us to celebrate the candidates and the last week of classes!

  4. Treasurer Guney

    Treasurer Guney has no report this week.

  5. Secretary of Governance Crimmins

    Last Wednesday on May 1st, Secretary of Governance Crimmins along with Chief of Staff Zin, Clubs and Orgs Senator Deisenroth, and Vice President of Downtown McGinnis volunteered to help with the Scholars Day Reception where Vice President of Governance Romero, and Student Trustee Santos, and were awarded scholarships for their presentations. The next day, she attended the Women of Excellence celebration where its’ members, Chief of Staff Zin and Student Trustee Ana Santos, received their well-deserved certificates. Thank you.

  6. Chief of Staff Zin

    On Wednesday, May 1st, Chief of Staff Zin volunteered at the scholar’s day reception and attended a discussion by author David Wallace-Wells on the urgency of the climate crisis. The following day, Thursday, May 2nd, she participated in the last Women of Excellence meeting, this time she had the privilege to attend the meeting with fellow SGA members. Additionally, Chief of Staff Zin worked on drafting a resolution for the amendment of the Scribe Society Club’s constitution.

  7. Health & Wellness Senator Wrobeh

    This past week Senator Wrobeh drafted a resolution a for a funding request.

  8. Election Coordinator Barmak

    During the past week, Naz, the Elections Coordinator, worked together with the Vice President of Downtown Campus who is part of the elections committee as well as with Angelo and the office of Student Life and Leadership to prepare for the upcoming Elections Party on Tuesday Mary 14 from 4 pm to 5 pm here in the form. Come and join them for the event while enjoying refreshment and listening to the candidates speeches.

  9. Athletic Senator Souhail

    Athletic Senator Souhail has no report this week.

  10. Virtual Campus Senator Ellis

    Virtual Campus Senator Ellis has no report this week.

  11. Veterans Senator Krieger
    Last week on May 1st, Veteran Senator Krieger had the privilege of attending the Veterans Club meeting. They discussed their plans in depth about conducting a thorough debrief of the semester that has passed, and then commenced with the anticipation and the camaraderie of what’s to come. Overall, they were just talking about all the academic pursuits within the community engagement as well as initiatives for next semester to help bolster our engagement with the community next semester. During this debriefing each member had an opportunity to share their insights and perspectives on the semesters endeavors and examined the group’s achievements and identified areas of improvement and explored strategies for enhancing their effectiveness in the future.
  12. Clubs and Organizations Senator Deisenroth
    Good afternoon. On Wednesday, May 1st, Senator Deisenroth along with Chief of Staff Zin, Secretary of Governance Crimmins, and Vice President of the Downtown Campus McGinnis volunteered for the Scholars Day Celebration. We handed out nametags and books to the scholars and celebrated all of the scholars’ hard work. On Thursday, May 2nd, Senator Deisenroth along with fellow SGA members went to the Women of Excellence celebration and gathered together to honor and commemorate all of the women in Women of Excellence. She congratulates Student Trustee Santos and Chief of Staff Zin for doing amazing work and earning merited certificates. Thank you.
  13. Public Relations Senator Jamison
    Public Relations Senator Jamison has no report this week.

New Business

  1. Action Items (requires a senate vote)
    1. Resolution to Amend the ELC Constitution..

      Resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approved the changes made to the ELC Constitution.
      Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion to approve the resolution.
      Senator Krieger so moved, second by Senator Diesenroth.
      Discussion: ELC and their amended constitution completed and met the standards of the Student Government Association and Office of Student Life and Leadership.
      A vote was taken. The resolution passed.
      Be it resolved, the senate present and voting that the Student Government Association approve the amended ELC Constitution at Monroe Community College.

    2. Resolution to Amend the Scribe Society Constitution.
      Resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approved the changes made to the Scribe Society Constitution.
      Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion to approve the resolution.
      Senator Krieger so moved, second by Senator Deisenroth.
      Discussion: The Scribe Society and their amended constitution completed and met the standards of the Student Government Association and Office of Student Life and Leadership.
      A vote was taken. The resolution passed.
      Be it resolved, the senate present and voting that the Student Government Association approve the amended Scribe Society Constitution at Monroe Community College.
    3. Resolution to Amend the Radiology Club Constitution.
      Resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approved the changes made to the Radiology Club Constitution.
      Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion to approve the resolution.
      Senator Deisenroth so moved, second by Senator Krieger.
      Discussion: The Radiology Club and their amended constitution completed and met the standards of the Student Government Association and Office of Student Life and Leadership.
      A vote was taken. The resolution passed.
      Be it resolved, the senate present and voting that the Student Government Association approve the amended Radiology Club Constitution at Monroe Community College.

Discussion Items

  1. There were no discussion items.

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

Questions and Comments

  1. There were no questions or comments.


  1. Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion for adjournment.

    Senator Kreiger so moved, second by Senator Deisenroth
  2. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm.

Executive Session

Respectfully submitted,
Alicia Crimmins
Secretary of Governance