- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Land Acknowledgement
- Approval of Minutes
- Speak to the Senate
- MCC Champion Stella Smith
- MCC Champion Rebecca Griffin
- MCC Champion Christina Lee
- Reports
- President Leichtner
- Vice President of Governance Romero
- Vice President of Downtown McGinnis
- Student Trustee Santos
- Treasurer Guney
- Chief of Staff Zin
- Secretary of Governance Crimmins
- Athletic Senator Souhail
- Public Relations Senator Jamison
- Club & Orgs Senator Deisenroth
- Veterans Senator Krieger
- Virtual Campus Senator Ellis
- Health and Wellness Senator Wrobeh
- Election Coordinator Barmak
- Student Life Advisor Oriel
- Faculty Advisor Sample
- New Business
- Resolution for the Funding Request of $3000 for the Black Student Union
- Resolution for the Travel Request of $3620 for Surgical Technology
- Discussion Items
- Old Business
- Questions & Comments
- Adjournment
- Executive Session
- President: Joseph Leichtner
- Vice President of Governance: Angelo Romero
- Vice President of Downtown Campus: Mandie McGinnis
- Treasurer: Zeynep Guney
- Chief of Staff: Ivy Zin
- Secretary of Governance: Alicia Crimmins
- Election Coordinator: Naz Barmak
- Student Trustee: Ana Santos
- Athletic Senator: Mohamed Souhail
- Health and Wellness Senator: Ashley Wrobeh
- Veterans Senator: Liam Krieger
- Virtual Campus Senator: Loritea Ellis
- Club and Orgs Senator Tehya Deisenroth
- Public Relations Senator Ky’Johnna Jamison
- Faculty Advisor: Mark Sample
- Student Life Advisor: Jodi Oriel