2024-02-06 SGA Senate Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2024
2:15 pm, Forum 3-130, Downtown Campus Room 200B, Zoom

In Attendance

Student Senators

  • Senator Mohamed Souhail
  • Senator Giomer Garcia-Maldonado
  • Senator Ashley Wrobeh
  • Senator Loritea Ellis

Election Coordinator

  • Naz Barmak


  • Joseph Leichtner

Vice President of Governance

  • Angelo Romero

Vice President of Downtown

  • Mandie McGinnis


  • Zeynep Guney

Chief of Staff

  • Ivy Zin

Secretary of Governance

  • Alicia Crimmins

Student Trustee

  • Ana Santos

Office of Student Life

  • Advisor: Jodi Oriel
  • Faculty Advisor: Mark Sample


  • Ginny Geer-Mentry – MCC Association
  • Ryan Messenger – Academic & Student Affairs
  • Grace Cassidy – YDSA 
  • Daniel Moore – Community Member
  • Jack Daly – YDSA
  • Alex E. Cannon – YDSA
  • Jon Jon Franz – YDSA
  • Dana Williams – MCC Student
  • Lawrance Pittman – MCC Student


Call to Order (2:16 pm)

  1. Roll Call (see attendance above)
    Vice President of Governance Romero called for a roll call to start the senate meeting.
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion to approve the January 30th, 2024, Student Government Association minutes.
    2. Senator Wrobeh so moved, seconded by Senator Souhail
    3. A vote was taken.
    4. Be it resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approves the January 23th, 2024 minutes as written.

Speak to the Senate

  1. Jon Jon Franz – MCC Student – Young Democratic Socialists or America
    Franz states discomfort with the new long-gun rule implemented by MCC. They state that MCC did a poor job of informing MCC students about the petition and didn’t give ample time for students to express their views. They also bring forward statistics that show increased danger to students associated with having guns on campus. Lastly, they believe that it is in the students’ and schools’ best interest to use the long-gun funding and allocate it elsewhere such as campus healthcare. Ultimately, Franz urges SGA to make a resolution against long-guns on campus.

  2. Lawrance Pittman – MCC Student
    Expressed concerns with lack of tutors for Pittman’s classes and issues with scheduling them.
  3. SGA members, Ryan Messenger – Academic & Student Affairs
    Asked for clarification and Dr. Messenger offered to meet privately with Pittman to work out the issue.


  1. President Leichtner

    On 01/30/24 President Leichtner along with the rest of SGA held a meeting with President Dr. Burton Anna, Chair Williams, and VP Greg Hinton regarding SUNY Advocacy Day. They gave us further valuable information about how the SUNY budget is structured amongst colleges, and specifically how great a disparity there is between 4 year and CC funding. This meeting will be invaluable in SGA’s pursuit of a more equitable funding plan. Additionally, SGA is preparing to hold a table on 02/07/24 during the Student Life Fair. SGA hopes to bring to light more valuable MCC resources and educate students on the role of student government at MCC.

  2. Vice President Romero

    On January 30th, 2024, Vice President of Governance Romero attended a meeting with Dr Burt-Nanna, CFO and VP Greg Hinton, Board of Trustees Chair Allen Williams, and the rest of SGA over tuition. This was to prepare for the trip to Albany for Advocacy Day, where we will advocate for more funds for MCC and other Community Colleges and SUNY schools. Also, on February 2nd, Vice President
    Romero was a part of the interview process for the AVP Academic Affairs position. He thought the interviews went well and thought the right questions were asked for the position.

  3. Vice President of Downtown McGinnis

    On January 30th SGA welcomed President Dr. DeAnna Burt-Nanna, Vice President Greg Hiton, and Board of Trustee Chair Allen Williams meeting during our executive session to continue discussions and preparation for the upcoming SUNY “Advocacy Day” on February 27th in Albany, NY. During advocacy day SUNY Student Assembly members meet to address key issues that impact students statewide, strengthen advocacy efforts, and call upon the state’s legislators for support. The following day on January 31st Vice President McGinnis joined First Year Experience (FYE) and the Office of Student Life and Leadership Development on the Downtown Campus for Grocery BINGO. The excitement filled High Falls as students called out BINGO winning yummy food prizes. Thank you to FYE and Student Life. Upcoming Downtown Events: February 7th Student Life Fair 12 pm – 1 pm 2nd floor Lounge. Come meet the clubs and organizations on campus and learn how to get involved.

  4. Treasurer Guney

    Hello everyone, On Tuesday, January 30th Treasurer Guney and the rest of the SGA members attended the meeting with President Burt-Nanna, the Vise president and trustee. Discussed the ways to improve community colleges. Created specific topic and agendas and shared ideas to advocate for community colleges. This week I went through both the new Scribe and the Turkish Club’s constitution. I held my office hours on Tuesday and Thursday. Tomorrow, February 7th there will be Student Life fair both at the Brighton Campus at 11.30 am to 1.30 pm and Downtown Campus at 12 pm to 1 pm.

  5. Secretary of Governance Crimmins

    Over the past week, Secretary Crimmins reviewed the SUNY budgets with MCC President Dr. Burt-Nanna, Board of Trustees Chair Williams, and CFO and VP of Finance & Administrative Services Hinton. The meeting was very informational, and Secretary Crimmins is excited for what comes next in the future for MCC. Secretary Crimmins also worked on editing the draft for the Turkish Cultural Club Constitution, as well as gathering questions that should be on a survey regarding the SUNY Community College budget and how it would affect them. Also, happy Black History month! Thank you.

  6. Chief of Staff Zin

    Chief of Staff Zin posted her office hours for Spring 2024 as Monday and Wednesday from 1 pm to 2 pm and Friday from 1 pm to 2 pm. The Student Government Office is located in building 3 room 127 and SGA encourages students to stop by the discussions and any matters that require attention. Furthermore, each officer of SGA’s office hours will be posted on the board near the office. This Wednesday, from 11:30 to 1:30, Chief of Staff Zin and SGA members will be at the Student Life Fair SGA welcomes all students to stop by at the SGA table and SGA members will be providing important information and the Student Life Fair will be giving every student to easily connect with many other student organizations and clubs.

  7. Health & Wellness Senator Wrobeh

    Hello everyone and happy Black History month. This past week, Senator Wrobeh accepted a position as a student ambassador and started working in the student life office. Senator Wrobeh also developed questions for a survey asking for student input on MCC’s aid from the state. This information will greatly help SGA members to advocate for the school at SUNY advocacy day. Senator Wrobeh also held office hours on Mon, Wed, and Friday from 1-2.

  8. Election Coordinator Barmak

    During the past week, to know more about her role and position as Election Coordinator, she talked to the past Election Coordinator Angelo. Aside from that she educated herself more about the budget and worked on creating some questions for the petition to increase state funding at Monroe Community College. The petition well be available tomorrow Wednesday, February 7th, at the Student Life Fair from 11:30 to 12:30 pm

  9. Athletic Senator Souhail

    On Tuesday, January 30th, Senator Souhail attended the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting, during which a comprehensive address took place on the imperative importance of “Moving Toward Equity in Funding for New York Community Colleges” with the primary objective of empowering every student within MCC’s academic community. On February 3rd, Senator Souhail contributed to the Financial Aid event organized in collaboration with the Admissions department. His role included not just helping with setting up the event, but also giving a comprehensive tour of the campus. This helped parents and students to learn more about what Monroe Community College has to offer.

  10. Virtual Campus Senator Ellis

    Virtual Campus Senator Ellis has no report for this week.

  11. Club and Organization Senator Garcia-Maldonado

    Senator Garcia-Maldonado has no report for this week.

  12. Veterans Senator Krieger
    Good afternoon. Senator Krieger is most ecstatic to be back and serve this college, this organization and this community with the rest of his team sitting alongside his right. On Wednesday, January 31st, Senator Krieger attended the veterans club alongside fellow veterans, both old members and a lot of new members, who are genuinely excited about the club and optimistic about its future. With so many new members joining, there has been discussion about expanding the meeting space to accommodate new members. This discussion is yet to be underway. Conversations about a potential Washington D.C. trip have surfaced, as well as exploring collaborations with different veteran’s groups from other campuses. This marks a remarkable development for our veteran organization, which once had only four members. Now, with an additional ten students and three others, the turnout rate has reached a total of 17 students. Witnessing this expansion has been truly wonderful, and Senator Krieger is eager to see the club prosper and grow. He wants to express his gratitude to former President ChaChi and veteran advisor Eric Wheeler for their contributions to the club’s success. They have played a crucial role in keeping the heart of the veterans club beating even when some of its primary members have moved on.

New Business

  1. Action Items (requires a senate vote)
    1. Resolution for the approval of the funding request for the Travel Club

      Resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approved the Travel Club’s financial request for $5,000 for the opportunity to board the cruise line and experience travel on land and sea.
      Vice President Romero called for a motion to approve the resolution.
      Senator Souhail so moved, second by Senator Krieger.
      Discussion: The Travel Club completed the request fund and met all the requirements of the Student Government Association and Office of Student Life and Leadership.
      A vote was taken. The resolution passed.
      Be it resolved, the senate present and voting that the Student Government Association allocate up to $5,000 to Travel Club at Monroe Community College.

Discussion Items

  1. There were no discussion items.

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

Questions and Comments

  1. There were no questions or comments.


  1. Vice President Romero called for a motion for adjournment.
  2. Meeting was adjourned at 2:52 pm.

Executive Session

Respectfully submitted,
Alicia Crimmins
Secretary of Governance