2023-10-17 SGA Senate Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2023
2:15 pm, Forum, Room 3-130, Downtown Campus Room 200B, Zoom

In Attendance

Student Senators

  • Senator Mohamed Souhail
  • Senator Jemeah Scott
  • Senator Giomer Garcia-Maldonado
  • Senator Thomas Adams
  • Senator Ashley Wrobeh
  • Senator Loritea Ellis
  • Senator Alicia Crimmins

Election Coordinator

  • Naz Barmak


  • Paula Balow


  • Joseph Leichtner

Vice President of Governance

  • Angelo Romero

Vice President of Downtown

  • Mandie McGinnis


  • Zeynep Guney

Chief of Staff

  • Ava Allen

Secretary of Governance

  • Ivy Zin

Student Trustee

  • Ana Santos

Office of Student Life

  • Advisor: Jodi Oriel
  • Faculty Advisor: Mark Sample


  • Aaron Shneydman – IT Club
  • Michelle Carroll – Title IX
  • Dana Williams – MCC Student
  • Denaresh Quinones – Campus One80
  • McKenzie Rush – MCC Student
  • Lawrance Pittman – MCC Student


Call to Order (2:15 pm)

  1. Roll Call (see attendance above)
    Vice President of Governance Romero called for a roll call to start the senate meeting.
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Vice President of Governance Romero called for a motion to approve the October 10th, 2023, Student Government Association minutes.
    2. Senator Scott so moved, seconded by Senator Adams.
    3. A vote was taken.
    4. To be resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approves the October 10th, 2023, minute as written.

Speak to the Senate

  1. McKenzie Rush – MCC Student
    MCC Student, McKenzie Rush brought up the issue of the lack of handicapped accessibility in certain areas around campus.  She emphasized the importance of improving handicapped access.
  2. Michelle Carroll – Student Rights & Responsibilities
    Michelle Carroll mentioned that public safety is the first to get called for every situation that happens at Monroe Community College.


  1. President Leichtner

    On 10/12/23 President Leichtner attended the GlobalMindED Annual Conference located in New York City. President Leichtner traveled alongside Ryan Messenger, Jemeah Scott, and Kelsey Bright. This conference was multi-faceted in its goals. One of the goals was to discuss ways to transform financial boundaries in education, the environment, and the economy. Another goal was to discuss how to create a pipeline of a capable workforce through education. The conference also had a great lineup up of panelists, which included the Managing Director of Google and the Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley. This conference was an amazing opportunity, and one President Leichtner is grateful to have been invited to.  

  2. Vice President Romero

    On Monday, October 9th, Vice President of Governance Romero attended the Hispanic Heritage Event with Student Trustee Santos and CAB and Global Union members. He participated in activities like Sugar Skull painting, listening to live Hispanic music, and eating traditional food. He would also give a speech about his heritage, how it impacted him, and how you should embrace your heritage.

    On Wednesday, October 11th, Vice President Romero attended the Instrumental and Vocal Concert. The Jazz Group, the Choir Group, and the Tributones all did amazing things, and it was great to support them in their performances.

    On Thursday, October 12th, Vice President Romero attended the 2023 Rochester Business Hall of Fame with Student Relations Senator Adams, Vice President of Downtown McGinnis, Secretary of Governance Zin, and Virtual Campus Senator Ellis. He would also meet other MCC Representatives for the college, such as Mark Pastorella, Kenneth Nowicki, and Siva Visveswaran. It was a great event, and he was happy to meet other people he hadn’t met.

  3. Vice President of Downtown McGinnis

    The schedule was this week, starting off on Saturday, October 8th Treasury Guney and Vice President McGinnis supported with setup for Indigenous People’s Day celebrations at Genesee Valley Park. Treasure Guney and Vice President McGinnis along with other volunteers prepared the spaces to be ready for cultural ceremonies and dance. The following morning before sunrise I arrived at Cobbs Hill Park to take part in the Sunrise Ceremony, giving thanks, blessings, prayer, and connection to all. Remembering our ancestors and loved ones whose shoulders we now stand on and holding the responsibility to nurture and protect our next seven generations. Throughout the day at Genesee Valley Park, you could find storytelling, dance, and crafts with the highlight of planting a peace tree in the park. We ended the day as we began with prayer, remembrance, and gratitude. Making our way to the shores of the Genesee River for the sunset ceremony. With the flute playing and birds singing high in the sky connecting us all. The day gave me the opportunity to connect and reconnect with my ancestors with pride. 

    Midday on October 9th Vice President McGinnis continued the cultural celebrations by attending the Hispanic Heritage event at MCC. The event offered delicious cultural food, candy skull painting, music, and placing a handprint on the wall of unity. Thank you, CAB (Campus Activities Board) President Tarush Ghai, Trustee Santos, and all the collaborators for putting on this beautiful event. 

    Thursday, October 12th Vice President Romeo, Secretary Zin, Senators Adams, and Ellis attended the Rochester Business Hall of Fame induction ceremony. The event provided a great chance to network and represent MCC. SGA (Student Government Association) members connected with amazing business professionals exchanging ideas and plans for collaboration. The evening was a great teambuilding event, with our newest Senator Ellis. Laughs, connections, and celebration filled our cups for the evening. Thank you to the MCC Foundation for the invitation and opportunity to meet such influential individuals who make a significant contribution to our community.

  4. Treasurer Guney

    On Sunday, October 8th, treasurer Guney and Vice President of Downtown Campus Mc-Genis volunteered in the Indigenous People’s Day event to arrange the space where the event occurred.

    On Monday, October 9th treasurer Guney and Vice President of Downtown Campus Mc-Genis attended the Indigenous People’s Day event, where Guney had a chance to learn more about the Indigenous People’s Day and had the opportunity to get integrated with the native people to learn more about their culture.

    Also, drafted a resolution for the Black Student Union regarding the fund request for the Halloween Party that they are trying to do.

    Lastly, On Friday, October 13th treasurer Guney was selected as a member of the Student Conduct Board and had training.

  5. Secretary of Governance Zin

    On October 12th, 2023, Secretary of Governance Zin attended the Rochester Business Hall of Fame Event with Vice President Romero, Vice President of Downtown McGinnis, Student Relation Senator Adams, and Virtual Campus Senator Ellis. Secretary Zin found the event highly informative, and it was a significant opportunity to represent the MCC student body and meet with people from professional fields. Additionally, Secretary Zin has worked on the minutes of the past meetings to provide comprehensive reports on SGA activities to the public.

  6. Chief of Staff Allen

    On October 9th, Chief of Staff Allen briefly attended the Hispanic Heritage Event with Student Trustee Santos and CAB and Global Union members. There was an amazing turn out thank you to everyone who worked hard to make that event happen.

    Chief of Staff Allen also gave tours on October 9th, and October 11th to perspective students I showed them around campus and introduced them to student government members Angelo Romero, Mohamad Souhail, and Ivy Zin; and encouraged them to dive into student life, and leadership roles.

    On October 14th, Chief of Staff Allen went to support her Cousin at his Tae Kwon Do tournament hosted here at MCC. Where He won two metals for his speed kick and poomsae.

  7. Diversity Senator Scott

    Over this past week, Senator Scott has engaged in several events which have correlated with the betterment of academic policy on both a national and communal level. On Wednesday, October 11th, Senator Scott attended her first meeting with the Academic Policy Committee composed of MCC faculty and staff. During this meeting, Senator Scott engaged in a discussion about the formulation of a more consistent academic calendar for upcoming years on MCC campus. In the development of this new calendar, the members of the Academic Policy Committee endeavor to take account of both traditional and non-traditional students when formulating breaks and academic semester start and end times. Senator Scott and other members of the Academic Policy Committee urge students to vocalize their opinions about the restructuring of this academic calendar so that the student body’s voice will be heard and factored into these tough decisions.

    On Thursday, October 12th, Senator Scott attended a conference at the United Nations for a discussion about increasing financial success, diverse representation and global consciousness in economic, educational, and environmental spheres. This conference hosted by GlobalMindED was an eye-opening experience that showcased the initiatives of GlobalMindED,  Foundation for the Support of the United Nations, Google, Tribal Tech LLC, CoPeace, TrustCircle and many more organizations that hope to create positive social change. Being able to engage with other likeminded individuals and hear from influential people within national wellness sectors was incredibly inspiring and gave Senator Scott hope for the future. Senator Scott is honored to have been a part of this experience and is grateful for the ability to network while enjoying connections with her trip mates. The importance of creating resource ecosystems through outcome-based philanthropy and better awareness of social needs is something that Senator Scott will consider when advocating for the student body through her leadership roles.

  8. Health & Wellness Senator Wrobeh

    This past week Senator Wrobeh discussed scheduling a meeting with Chloe Vanzana and the new Health and Wellness coordinator Anita Davis to further discuss her role as the Health and Wellness Senator. Senator Wrobeh also discussed with the Student Life Office how to get her fliers approved for the advice column she is currently working on. In addition, Senator Wrobeh also attended a black student union meeting to congratulate them on getting the funding for their Halloween party approved and discussing their upcoming breast cancer fundraising event.

  9. Student Relations Senator Adams

    This past week, Senator Adams talked with the Chemistry Club about a potential collaboration regarding an outreach event. They were open to it and said they would like to do it if it happens. A meeting was scheduled with Dr Messenger, Lawson, Dr. Clemens, and others about admissions and how to go about planning outreach events. More specifically ones which would involve clubs; this meeting will take place on 10.24.23. Later in the week, Adams went to the Business Hall of Fame event with others; he met a lot of new people and had a good time there.

  10. Clubs and Organizations Senator Garcia-Maldonado
    Clubs and Organizations Senator Garcia-Maldonado has no reports for this week.
  11. Election Coordinator Barmak

    Over the past weeks, the Student Government Election Coordinator, Barmak, learned about how to make resolutions for both appointing a member to the Student Government Association and resolution for funding requests. She worked with Vice President Romero to create two new resolutions for the Mapping club and appoint Daniel as the Clubs and Orgs senator.

  12. Athletic Senator Souhail
    Athletic Senator Souhail has no reports for this week.
  13. Virtual Campus Senator Ellis

    On October 10th Virtual Senator Ellis attended the Student Government Association (STA) meeting.

    There were discussions about events for MCC club activities, concerns for MCC, and policies that should take place to improve MCC and the community.

    Later after meeting with others, Virtual Senator Ellis was provided with information to better adjust in the new position and role as a virtual online campus senator.

    Some of the tips, and advice were to begin developing a way to reach students virtually, creating office hours be it online or inside the Downtown Campus facility, designing surveys to best reach the needs of students, and adjusting accordingly as the new role takes its new course. 

    Also, virtual senator Ellis decided to take part in the resource community led by Vice President of Downtown Manie McGinnis.

    Thursday, October 12 Virtual Senator Ellis met with Vice President of Downtown Manie McGinnis, Vice President of Governance Angelo Romero, Secretary of Governance Ivy Zin, and Student Relations Senator Adams, to attend the 2023 Rochester Business Hall of Fame Junior Achievement Induction Ceremony at the Convention Center. 

    There we met with fellow Siva Visveswarean Program Director and Kenneth . E. Nowicki Director of FWD who also attended the event.

    Friday, October 13th Virtual Senator Ellis had a conference meeting with Matthew Lawson to discuss giving her a role as a speaker at MCC SUNY Opinform Event on October 26th. 

    Furthermore, ask her if she would like to have an admission position as well.

  14. Residence Hall Senator Crimmins

    Senator Crimmins is the newest member of Student Government Association, working as the Residence Hall Senator. Senator Crimmins is an International Business major, hoping to become a diplomat. Senator Crimmins, as the new Residence Hall Senator, is working on making Connections with the current Residence Hall Directors, as well as the Resident Assistants from every hall including Canal, Pioneer, Alexander, and Tribune. Senator Crimmins believes this is crucial to the Residence Hall Senator position because the role requires connection and Senator Crimmins hopes to bring forth includes, but is not limited to, concerns about dorm cleanliness, maintenance, activities, and overall satisfaction in their dorm experience. On October 9, 2023, from 12-12:50 pm, Senator Crimmins worked as a volunteer for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration. This included Senator Crimmins helping organize lines and help everyone get their food smoothly as well as answer various questions people asked me. This opportunity to volunteer also allowed Senator Crimmins to meet members of other clubs and organizations which may be beneficial in the future.

New Business

  1. Action Items (requires a senate vote)
    1. Resolution for the approval of the Information Technology Club

      Resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approves the establishment of the Information Technology Club.
      Vice President Romero called for a motion to approve the resolution.
      Senator Scott so moved, second by Senator Adams.
      Discussion: The constitution for the Information Technology Club is complete to the standards of the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Life and Leadership.
      A vote was taken. The resolution passed.
      Be it resolved, the Senate presents and voting that the Information Technology Club is established as a recognized and chartered club at Monroe Community College.

    2. Resolution for the approval of the funding request to the Biology Club.

      Resolved, the Monroe Community College Student Government Association approved the Smash Club’s financial request for $200 for the tickets to attend Rexpo, Rochester’s reptile and amphibian convention on October 28th at the ROC Dome Arena.
      Vice President Romero called for a motion to approve the resolution.
      Senator Wrobeh so moved, second by Senator Scott.
      Discussion: The Biology Club completed the request fund and met the standards of both the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Life and Leadership.
      A vote was taken. The resolution passed.
      Be it resolved, the senate present and voting that the Student Government Association allocates up to $200 to the Biology Club at Monroe Community College.

Discussion Items

  1. There were no discussion items.

Old Business

  1. There was no old business.

Questions and Comments

  1. There were no questions or comments.


  1. Vice President Romero called for a motion for adjournment.
  2. Meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.

Executive Session

Respectfully submitted,
Ivy Zin
Secretary of Governance